*Fun with Proverbs
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A proverb is many things to many people. It may be defined as a wise old saying, or as a short and frank expression. At other times it is called a byword or a clever phrase of wisdom. Often the terms 'succinct' and 'pithy' are used to describe a proverb, indicating the sayings are direct and to the point -- while at the same time containing some helpful, practical or cautionary advice.
Perhaps it's best not to look so hard. Let's just say that a proverb is a set phrase that expresses an idea, a caution, a judgment or an observation in a few short words that soon stick in our minds to perform a valuable role by helping us to express ourselves.As life changes, so do our proverbs, and the wording of many of them has been modernized. Least said soonest mended is one example that comes to mind, and it may not be realized that this is the same proverb as least said, soonest forgotten. The proverbs in this book have been presented in their modern, up-to-date form first and then, where it applies, an indication is made of their older, original form. Both are correct. And now, since laughter is the best medicine, begin reading and enjoying FUN WITH PROVERBS!


If a person does something to harm or offend us, that's wrong. If we do something to harm them back, that's wrong too. "So we should remember that one wrong is bad, but two wrongs are worse,” Teddy said. “Why is that?” I asked. “Because two wrongs do not make a right," Teddy answered. “Can you explain that?” I asked. "Sure. Suppose someone calls me names,” he said. “How would I look if I began calling him names right back?” “You’d look as wrong as he is,” I replied. “That’s right, because two wrongs do not make a right,” Teddy said.
©John & Ching Yee Smithback

"Cancel all my appointments,I'm going to watch a football game on television," the general said. "But you must go to Belgium! You have an important meeting there!" his wife insisted. The general did not listen to his wife, and that is how he learned he that cannot obey cannot command. "The proverb means if you cannot obey orders you should not give them," the general groaned.
©John & Ching Yee Smithback